In the book of Joshua chapter 6, God brought his people to the brink of their promised blessing, but they had one more seemingly impossible challenge to overcome. The promised blessing was surrounded by walls. Today, believers are promised God’s blessings recorded in his Word, such as, Spiritual deliverance, healing for the body, strongholds broken in your household, or a greater manifestation of God’s presence in your life. However, the blessings of God are surrounded by “walls,” i.e., obstacles, and challenges, of which our natural ability, intellect, or financial resources are ineffective to overcome. God’s “weapons” are spiritual and not carnal. They are “mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;” – (2 Corinthians 10:4). Below are five spiritual weapons needed to knock down the walls surrounding your blessing, enabling you to Walk into your Victory!
What you want vs. what God wants for you
The Apostle Paul had a sickness, a thorn in his flesh, in which he prayed unto the Lord multiple times for God to remove it (2 Corinthians 12:7-10). After the 3rd time, God answered Paul regarding his sickness and it wasn’t what Paul expected. Essentially, God offered Paul a choice, either I give you what… Read More »