How to overcome spiritual barrenness
January 25, 2025
All God wants is a clean house
August 24, 2024
Your mom wants a clean house and so does God. To live for God, you must guard your heart and cultivate a lifestyle that reflects God’s standard of cleanliness and holiness.
A Spiritual cleansing
March 2, 2024
Let God’s Word release spiritual blockages and wash away negative influences that hinders your spiritual growth. Allow God’s healing power to flow through you as you surrender and let go, paving the way for divine blessings and a renewed spiritual connection.
Taking control of your mind
December 1, 2023
- Pastor Gerald F. Gibbs Jr.
- 2 Corinthians
- 2 Peter
- Ephesians
- Jeremiah
- Matthew
- Proverbs
- Romans
- Doctrinal Lesson
The infilling of the Holy Ghost gives you a new (spiritual) mind which lives in us and begins helping us to become like Christ. The new mind changes your thoughts, perspective, and your attitude towards sin and the world. Satan attacks the mind using lies, accusations, temptations, doubts, suspicions, fears, theories, etc.; But as long as the spiritual mind holds on to God’s truth, Satan cannot win!
Be strong, help is on the way!
November 11, 2023
Trouble in your life won’t last always. “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” – Psalm 46:1
Jesus shake my soul
October 1, 2023
Encountering Jesus can deeply impact and transform your soul. His presence will awaken & stir within you a passion for His truth and an unyielding desire to follow him wholeheartly
What is the Church?
October 21, 2022
Scriptures clearly explain that there is only ONE church and ONE way to become a part of the ONE body of Christ; being baptized by the ONE spirit, i.e. receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost. (1 Corinthians 12:13)
By the strength of God, I’m still standing
April 9, 2022
As believers of God, we face opposition from an invisible enemy, the devil. His goal is to discourage you and knock you down with troubles and problems. However, God has provided his children with what we need to withstand the opposing forces of spiritual wickedness in high places. Only by receiving strength from God’s Word enables us to withstand, and having done all, to stand. (Ephesians 6:13)
Cast off the garment of pride
April 2, 2022
Pride is the sin of selfishness. God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. (James 4:6). Pride blinds men in seeing their own faults, but easily sees the faults of others. It’s time to cast off the garment of pride and draw near unto the Lord.