The party of pride is coming to an end
January 18, 2025
God will deliver me!
May 12, 2024
Faith and confidence in God will give you boldness to declare that God will deliver you from any challenges you may face.
Make sure Jesus is in the midst
January 20, 2024
Life can sometimes throw us into storms and trials, but in the midst of it all, Jesus is our anchor. Keep Jesus in the center of your life during uncomfortable times, and see how His presence will bring you hope, guidance, and strength to carry you through.
Be strong, help is on the way!
November 11, 2023
Trouble in your life won’t last always. “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” – Psalm 46:1
My heart belongs to God
October 21, 2023
When your heart is committed and devoted to God, it signifies one’s purpose to be holy and represent God in holiness and righteousness.
Pray through to get your break through
April 15, 2023
Prayer is spiritual fellowship and communion with God. Prayer is more than just a bunch of words, but it is a way of telling God you need him, you trust him, and you depend on him.
Making contact with Jesus
November 27, 2022
Jesus Christ is available to help all of our needs, but you must acknowledge your need to God and then seek to make contact with God in a spiritual way.
By the strength of God, I’m still standing
April 9, 2022
As believers of God, we face opposition from an invisible enemy, the devil. His goal is to discourage you and knock you down with troubles and problems. However, God has provided his children with what we need to withstand the opposing forces of spiritual wickedness in high places. Only by receiving strength from God’s Word enables us to withstand, and having done all, to stand. (Ephesians 6:13)
Biblical fasting
October 4, 2021
- Pastor Gerald F. Gibbs Jr.
- 1 Kings
- 1 Samuel
- 2 Chronicles
- Acts
- Daniel
- Ezra
- Isaiah
- Judges
- Luke
- Nehemiah
- Doctrinal Lesson
Biblical fasting is refraining from eating or drastically reducing your food intake for a certain period of time, in order to focus your time, thoughts, and attention more on God, for the purpose of sharpening your spiritual responses to certain situations. True biblical fasting will ALWAYS result in a new Spiritual experience!!!