Today’s prayer is tomorrow’s Victory
February 1, 2025
All God wants is a clean house
August 24, 2024
Your mom wants a clean house and so does God. To live for God, you must guard your heart and cultivate a lifestyle that reflects God’s standard of cleanliness and holiness.
Is the Holy Ghost still dwelling in your house?
August 10, 2024
To be filled with the Holy Ghost is a gift from God. However, in order for the Holy Ghost to dwell and abide in your house it takes yielding and obedience from you.
God is waiting on you to humble yourself
November 24, 2023
While you are waiting on God for healing, deliverance or various blessings, God is actually waiting on you to humble yourself to seek Him, trust Him and serve Him.
When God clean up your house, don’t let the unclean thing back in
June 3, 2023
Once God has cleaned up your spiritual house, you must be vigilant about not letting negative influences and sinful behavior back in. This requires continued self-examination and a dedication to living a life of holiness.
Pray through to get your break through
April 15, 2023
Prayer is spiritual fellowship and communion with God. Prayer is more than just a bunch of words, but it is a way of telling God you need him, you trust him, and you depend on him.
What is a Revival?
November 3, 2022
The term “Revival” refers to a spiritual reawakening from a state of dormancy or stagnation in the life of a believer. It encompasses the resurfacing of a love for God, a renewed appreciation of God’s holiness, a restored hunger and passion for God’s Word, a convicting awareness of personal sin, a rejuvenated spirit of humility, and a desire for repentance and new growth in righteousness.
Biblical fasting
October 4, 2021
- Pastor Gerald F. Gibbs Jr.
- 1 Kings
- 1 Samuel
- 2 Chronicles
- Acts
- Daniel
- Ezra
- Isaiah
- Judges
- Luke
- Nehemiah
- Doctrinal Lesson
Biblical fasting is refraining from eating or drastically reducing your food intake for a certain period of time, in order to focus your time, thoughts, and attention more on God, for the purpose of sharpening your spiritual responses to certain situations. True biblical fasting will ALWAYS result in a new Spiritual experience!!!